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C# Features Succinctly
Dirk Strauss
Python For Everybody
Dr. Charles Severance
A Practical Introduction To Python Programming
Brian Heinold
Javascript From Es5 To Esnext
Flavio Copes
Java, Java, Java
Ralph Morelli
Ralph Walde
Python For You And Me
Kushal Das
Think Ocaml
Allen Downey
Nicholas Monje
Just Enough R
Sivakumaran Raman
The C Programming Language Handbook
Flavio Copes
Learning Go
Miek Gieben
Mastering Dyalog Apl
Bernard Legrand
Modern Object Pascal Introduction For Programmers
Michalis Kamburelis
Javascript: The First 20 Years
Allen Wirfs-Brock
Brendan Eich
Creative Scala
Dave Gurnell
Noel Welsh
C# Succinctly
Joe Mayo
Beej's Guide To C Programming
Quot;Beej Jorgensen
Quot; Hall
Raku One-Liners
Andrew Shitov
Learn Python The Right Way
Peter Wentworth
Jeffrey Elkner
Allen B. Downey
Chris Meyers
The Julia Express
Bogumił Kamiński
Clojure In Small Pieces
Rich Hickey
C++ Today
Jon Kalb
Gašper Ažman